Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Advent Candles Significance Catholics: What's Up With The Colors Of The Advent Candles?

Catholics: What's up with the colors of the Advent candles? - advent candles significance

I understand that the three purple candles on the royal purple is traditionally associated with are due, but why the third candle is pink? Is there any significance that?


Deus caritas est said...

The round shape of the crown is a symbol of eternity, and green symbolizes hope and renewal. The commonly used colors purple and pink candles symbolize repentance and joy, respectively. (Some use all white candles.)

Each candle is also one of the four weeks of Advent, and a thousand years, passed four thousand years (at least in a figurative sense) between Adam and Eve to Christ's coming.

The first candle reminds the fathers, the second candle reminds us of the prophet to remind the third candle, St. John the Baptist, and the last candle is reminiscent of the Virgin Mary.

If you use colored candles, candle lit in purple, on Sunday, lit the first, second and fourth quarters of Advent, the candle and rose, is the third Sunday (Gaudete Sunday, when the priest) has also increased mass of ornaments, one days of joy, because the faithful in the midst of Advent and Christmas have come to anticipate.

Polychro... said...

Violet is the color of royalty and also the color of penance and suffering. Also used in Lent. The pink or pink is on the third Sunday used a moment of joy, a decrease of repentance and return to the celebration. This is called Gaudete Sunday. The clothing of the priests together Sudays rose in the third.

"Advent is marked marked by trust, anticipation, preparation of nostalgia"
I hope that Christmas is full of joy!
God bless you and yours.

Sentinel said...

Habits of the importance of color) pink and Laetare (Fourth Sunday in Lent, the day was blessed, so that the mixture is often called Sunday Rose on Sunday, and pink, the altar and the throne and chapel curtains (a sign of hope and joy ) is replaced by the purple of penitence for the ceremony. The church that Sunday has been your children in prayer, fasting, and other relevant acts of penance, as she called for a profound meditation on the evils of sin and punishment terrible because of it, towards the top and on Calvary and see The first rays of Easter, the Risen Christ who brings salvation.
God bless you.

Daver said...

The colors of Advent
Historically, the color of the main temple of Advent is purple. It is the color of penitence and fasting, and are the color of the princes of the king to receive. Lila is still used in Catholic churches. The purple of Advent is also the color of suffering used during Lent and Easter. This highlights an important link between birth and death of Jesus. Birth, the Incarnation can not be separated from the crucifixion. The purpose of the coming of Jesus to the world, "the Word became flesh and dwelt among us and reveal God's grace, the world through Jesus' life and teachings, but also through his suffering, death and resurrection. To this gravity into account, at the beginning of Advent a time of penance and fasting and Lent and share the color of Lent.
Within four weeks of Advent the third Sunday was a time of joy that fasting was almost completely (in some traditions called Gaudete Sunday, the Latin word for "joy"). The change in the purpleSeason pink or rose for the third Sunday in Advent candles reflects this emphasis on the reduction of repentance, as the focus more on the conclusion of the season.
In this dual approach in the past and future, Advent also symbolizes the spiritual journey of man and of a community, as they say, that Christ came today in the world, and that He will return to power. This recognition is a fundamental ethic of Spain, a holy life with a deep feeling that we "live between the times" and are called to be faithful guardians of what God entrusts to us as a people. Just as the Church celebrates the last few minutes in the history of God in the Incarnation, and expected future consumption of history that "the whole creation awaits its redemption sighs as he admits his own responsibility as a city on the mission," Thou shalt not take the Lord your God with all thy heart "and" Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. "
So we celebrate with joy the great promise of Advent, to know that ebefore, it is also a somber tone as the theme of heading added threat of a promise. This is in some of the Scripture readings for Advent, which is where there is a strong prophetic voice of responsibility and decisions about the sin. But it also applies to the role of the king who comes, who comes to the rule, and try to save the world.

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